How Do We Know If We’re Israel?


Bible Study, Dave & Coleen Logan’s, 8-29-03


It’s controversial to say the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada are mainly settled by people who are descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes.  How do we know if that is true?


1.  “The trunk of the tree”:  God’s unconditional promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.


Genesis 22:16-18


After Abraham nearly sacrificed Isaac, the word “IF” didn’t appear.  “Gate” issue:  not just cities here, but a control or bottleneck issue.  Notice the use of the singular “gate.”  Also notice the beginning of the birthright/scepter distinction here.


How else fulfilled?  Key issue.  Strip of land in Middle East and tiny portion of world’s population a dubious ultimate fulfillment (14 million Jews approximately out of 6.2 billion people).  Would political entities as important as US and the British Empire/Commonwealth be ignored in the Bible concerning end-time events?


Gen. 24:60


Rebekah’s blessing confirms covenant.


Gen. 26:3-5


Issac’s blessing confirms it also.


Genesis 27:27-29


Issac’s blessing on Jacob.  Notice implications of last part of verse for those who are steadily anti-Semitic (i.e., present dispute in Middle East).


Genesis 28:3, 13-15


If Abraham to be the father of many nations, needs to be more than the embattled nation of 6 million in Middle East.  Not just Arabs via Hagar and Ishmael either, since the birthright didn’t go through him.  Notice the mentions of a “company” of nations.


Genesis 35:11-12


The church didn’t fulfill this, since it isn’t a company of nations. 


Genesis 48:16-17, 19


Manasseh and Ephraim have Israel/Jacob’s nation placed on them also.  Manasseh the first-born, yet gets the subordinate blessing to what Ephraim receives.  The latter is to become the company of nations, the first the single great nation.


Genesis 49:1, 8-10, 22-26


Notice the reference to “latter days” or equivalent in v. 1.  Isn’t about period of the divided monarchy, etc., millennia ago.


Verses 8-10 vs. 22-26 show how the promise of the Messiah (the scepter), Judah’s, got divided from the promise of material wealth (the birthright), Joseph’s.  Why Judah won’t become wealthy, or especially so.


Jeremiah 3:6-12 , 17-18


Here the distinction is plainly drawn between Judah and Israel.  The Jews in the Middle East, since they didn’t lose knowledge of their national identity, mistakenly call themselves “Israel” today when they really are just “Judah.”


Notice location of Israel in vs. 12, 17-18 also, implications of displacement from homeland, etc. during the great tribulation, etc.


Vs. Hal Lindsey, “The Late Great Planet Earth,” p. 173:  “Israel will become fantastically wealthy and influential in the future.  Keep your eyes upon the development of riches in the Dead Sea.”  His failure to note the following verse messes his interpretation up.


I Chron. 5:1-2


2.  The unconditional promise concerning the Davidic monarchy.


2 Samuel 7:12-16


Where is this throne today?  Does “forever” really mean “forever” here?  (The ambiguity of “olam” admitted, but . . .)


II Samuel 23:5; 22:51


Notice how David interpreted this promise when he was dying.


Jer. 33:17-26


Notice how this passage here decisively removes any ambiguity to the word translated “forever” from the Hebrew.




Jeremiah 41:10


King’s daughters still alive, not confined to Middle East, make transfer possible.


Eze. 17:22-24


The “twig” being transferred, highest yet tender person in Judah.


Duality issue:  Just as Joseph concealed from his brothers, identity of Manasseh and Ephraim concealed today, but will be unveiled one day.  A typology issue, analogy to Exodus, leaving sin/leaving Egypt, Pharaoh = Satan, Red Sea = baptism, etc.


Implications of this teaching for us:


Israel punished for sins then, will happen again (duality of prophecy issue).


II Kings 17:18, 22-23; 18:9-11


All deported, very few ever returned.  Israel ceased to have independent identity soon after going into exile since had gone largely into paganism.  Assimilated, so it seemed, into the surrounding nations, including Assyria.


Still not lost, however.


Amos 9:8-9


Blessings still to be given despite sins, exile:


Hosea 1:10-11


Why we have to be alert to prophetically when we’re Israel:


Jer. 30:7-11


Historical evidence for connection:


HWA:  Said could prove doctrine, believe it, without non-Biblical evidence.


Celts:  Spread into France, Britain, Germany, all the way to the Danube River.  Greeks called them “Keltoi” and “Galatai.”  Lighter skinned branch called “Teutonic” by early writers.  Came from same region as “Goths” also, by shores of Baltic and North Seas.  Relationship between them and Cimmerians of Middle East, as Babylon conquered Assyria.  Scythians (short I sound), horse-based.  Celtic and Scythian cultures interacted as if unified at some level.  Trading based on European rivers, from area centered where Seine, Rhone, Danube, and Rhine rivers come together.  Capable in metal work, especially gold, could make iron.  They both had a better breed of horses, could run faster for longer periods of time.  Hallstatt culture from Danube to Bohemia/Cz. in 500’s b.c., expanded to west later.  Celtic swords have been found with decoration similar to that of Scythians.  “The archaeological evidence shows that the Celts and Scyths both freely shared and mingled.  Russian and Eastern European excavations plainly reveal the blending of these two groups” (The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy, p. 29).  “Most scholars are convinced that no ethnic links exist between the Saka Scythians and the Mongols or the Slavic Peoples” (p. 28).  Came to dominate region of plains north of Caucaus Mountains in the steppes from 700 to 500 b.c.


Hosea 9:16-17


To become wanderers on earth


Names derived from King Omri of the Northern Kingdom and “Sons of Isaac” keep popping up.  Corruption of pronuniciation as pass through different languages or as they changed over the centuries.


Genesis 21:12; Amos 7:16-17


“Isaac”/Saxon derivation, or sons of Isaac.  Scythians called “Sacae” by Herodotus (484-20 b.c.)  He also said the Scythes ruled over the land of Media.  Ptolemy (2nd century A.D.) called them “Saxones.”  Terms used interchangeably.  Tel-el-Armarna tablets (14th century b.c.), mentions and also the “Saka” or “the Saga.”  Corrupted forms of “Saak,” Isaac, possibly. 


On Behistun Rock from reign of Darius I of Persia (522-486 b.c.), last conquered king doing homage was Skuka, of the Asiatic Sythians, is called the king of the “Scythians, Saka, or Cimmerians (pronounced “Gimri” in Babylonian).  Hard vs. soft “c” issue, how “k” and “g” overlap.


Omri (reigned c. 885-873 b.c., father of Ahab, who started to reign c. 873, overall dynasty lasted c. 50 years), militarily successful, founded dynasty, Assyrians called northern kingdom of Israel “Land of Omri” long after his death.  “Bit Khumri” or “Bit Ghomri” means “House of Omri,” what the Assyrians called the people they conquered, not “Israel.”  In Greek, there appears “Kimmerii,” “Kimmeroi,” and “Cymry,” in Latin, “Kimbri,” “Kymbrians,” and “Cimbres,” equivalents of the Assyrians’ “Khumri.”


Palestine called “Bit Humri” by Assyrians from Shalmaneser II (860 b.c.) to Sargon (722-705 b.c.)  On Shalmaneser’s black obelisk, Jehu (c. 842-814 b.c.) called “son of Omri” despite actually son of Jehoshaphat and desc. of Nimshi, founder of Israel’s 14th dynasty, tenth king overall, had slaughtered sons/desc. of Ahab.  Micah 6:16’s mention of Omri and Ahab shows importance of former even in Israel.  “H” sound can be silent, or can sound like a “k” in some languages, or like “h” in “how” in English.  Moabites emphasized importance of Omri also, complained about him:  “Omri of King of Israel and oppressed Moabe a long lite (lit., many days), for Chemosh was wroth with his land.  And his son succeeded him, and he too said ‘I will oppress Moab’ in my time [i.e., Mesha’s].  But I saw (my desire) on him and his house, and Israel perish with an everlasting destruction.”


The Gauls of France, etc., called themselves “Kymris,” but the Romans called them Celts, Galli, Gallus, and Galates (Galatians).  “Gaul” in its various forms, such as “gallo” or “gallus” in Latin, “galler” or “waller” in Celtic, or “waller” or “walah” in German, or “gaullois” in French, means “stranger, traveler, or exile.”  The Hellenistic and Roman conquerors of Gilead, where 2 ½ tribes used to be, including Manasseh, “Gaulanitis.”  Hebrew:  “Galah” or modern derivates of “galut,” “galo,” or “gallo,” mean “carried captive”!


Scholars’ distinctions between Germanic, Scythian, and Celtic tribes break down when try to become specific.  “Teuton” applied by Romans to Germanic tribes, means “spearmen.”  Teutoni, according to Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 26, p. 673, was “really a Celtic tribe” according to “many writers.”

Druid religion of Celts a mixture of paganism and worship of Jehovah, preserved religious secrecy however.


Sources:  Garner Ted Armstrong, Europe and America in Prophecy, pp.